Hi everyone - I was binge eating last night and did not eat healthy this morning. I can describe what happened. I always do this in case it can help someone else who also has a binge eating problem.

I went to Dave and Busters yesterday afternoon. I got a salad and some grilled shrimp. I was completely satisfied.

About 3/4 of the way through the visit I started to be aggravated. I'm not really sure what was bothering me. I think it was because my back hurt and I am tired of being out of shape.

I got back to junk food central (bf house) and I was doing a very good job at noticing my feelings. I was tired, aggravated, and I should have just laid down but I was watching hockey and I didn't want to do it. I could feel a pressure building in my chest - it was anxiety. I started to think about those oreos that were in the cupboard. I had plenty of "legal" food but I didn't want any of that. I wasn't hungry. So I ate some almonds thinking that would shut up the "binge voice". It didn't.

At this point I knew things were going to get bad. I sat with the uncomfortable feelings for quite awhile.

I think the key here is I don't have a lot of tolerance built up for this level of discomfort. I don't want to feel this anymore. It "hurts", it's uncomfortable, it feels like someone is sitting on your chest. You just want it to stop. You know what will make it stop.

So I thought maybe some chips will shut it up. No, I wanted those cookies. I ate them. Then I ate a bunch more crap after that. And this morning I ate 2 chocolate chip muffins.

You feel better after you eat that stuff. That is where the body is conditioned - your neuronal pathway knows binge out = dopamine lift = feel better. You have to break that pathway and create a new one.

I am still failing at this. I need to write some stuff down so that the next time I can do something else. It is more preparation.

If I stuck to my eating plan I would have been under 290 soon. Now I have to deal with elevated blood sugar and temporary weight gain.

Well, I am not giving up. I don't care how many times I have to type out this scenario I am not giving up.

24 Apoiantes    Apoio   

be encouraged. stay strong. On your good days do the best U can---and then on your not so good days try your hardest. We have all been there! Their food journals may not reflect their break downs however their body does not lie! :) Be nice to your self. exhale---don't wait til tomorrow to get back on track jump on it now. (((hugs))) 
07 mai 18 por membro: marshakanady
Wow. You are NOT failing!!!! You are getting an honest handle on what is making you binge. I am kind of in awe because i really hate to sit with my feelings. :( 
07 mai 18 por membro: jengetfit123
Get back on plan and don’t give up!! I think about all the times I’ve dieted and failed because I cheated and then thought I’ve messed up so why continue?! Crazy I know! Just get right back up and keep trying to overcome it. You will succeed!! You are strong! 
07 mai 18 por membro: momma6224
I also overate yesterday I lost 35lbs and was doing a 45 mile bike ride. I ate some high carbohydrates and sugar for energy and then I started eating everything in sight TODAY is a NEW day Get back on track I’m in the same predicament 
07 mai 18 por membro: radiomike
it's a journey a lifelong journey just stick with it ups and downs be joyous you are on your way and you can do it  
07 mai 18 por membro: #1loser
You aren’t the only one who failed and fed their feelings this weekend. LOL I just made slightly better choices. I journaled my anxiety. I talked about it to my sister. I shared it with my daughter. I researched more information online. I meditated about it...and then I ate on it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ It happens. There was only so long I could go ignoring how upset the news was making me. I will probably write some really sucky poety about it and be over it until I actually have to deal with her cutting into my face. 🤦🏻‍♀️We all have our breaking points. I’ve eaten back all the weight I lost last week. It happens. Start over and keep going. 🙋🏻 
07 mai 18 por membro: smprowett
One day at a time, one hour at a time, one moment at a time, one second at a time, THAT is how you succeed! This will be a lifelong struggle, you will always want the cookies, you will always want the junk, but you have to decide that you are stronger than those cravings. You can do this, you will do this!! Its just getting past that mental part that is the killer!! Its hard, but picture when you are at your goal and you can eat one or two cookies, be satisfied and not have to stress out or worry about them. Imagine going up the stands at a game and NOT being winded when you get to your seat. Imagine not worrying about how tight the seat will fit around your butt. Make those images stronger than the need, stronger than the want...you can beat it!! Youve got this!!  
07 mai 18 por membro: Klynn82
Hand in there. Print out the journal you just wrote. Put it in a place that you can grab when you have the monsters baiting you. That will give you a few minutes saving grace. You are not failing, but had a random excursion.... 
07 mai 18 por membro: cstella1
I can’t tell you how much you just inspired me. That you even sat with your uncomfortable feelings is simply inspiring. Everything I have read says this is what you have to do to change and find a new way of not eating your feelings. If you did this once, I know you can do it again. Even if it is just one minute more. I am going to work on this too and I will be thinking of you. I just wish I knew how to get that calming effect from eating the binge food from something else. Please don’t give up. I so believe in you. 
07 mai 18 por membro: finchbird
I know exactly how you feel and I call my struggle to NOT eat junk or other things I know is unhealthy for me, "FAT BRAIN!" We all have a set point in our brain that continually tries to get back to the highest weight we were or are at currently. This makes it tough to fight the urge to binge eat or overeat when we, at times, don't even want to do it. I am now trying to "sit" in the moment of mindfulness until the feelings of running for the cubboard or fridge wins out and I lose, or rather, GAIN!! You have had a few days where you feel you let yourself down but we all have those days. Today is a new day for you and all of us. I am starting the Challenge today and I would love to see you and anyone else on here to join me as well. Go to the challenges and see if you would like to do this. It's going to keep me accountable and mindful of what I am putting into my mouth and encourage me to at least get outside and do some yard work, walking or both. I wish you all the love and success you can hold. You've got this, you can do this, I believe in you!!! Anne 
07 mai 18 por membro: Anne Geddes
Thanks for the honesty - I really think that is key to accountability. It was pointed out to me (by people way smarter than I) that I had to learn to recognize how I started feeling at the onset - that moment you described so clearly. I had to make a plan to take action - do something different - get past the fear of the unknown and act. Breaking the reaction cycle I always do (my comfort zone) to respond when I am uncomfortable. It is like everything else I have to practice - I do well and then not so well...but I get back on the horse and try again. over time I hope to get it 100% but for now - practice. I wish you all the best on your journey.  
07 mai 18 por membro: tahoebrun
honey, you are NOT failing - Failing is giving up completely...you're just taking a side trip......put the muffins in the freezer - put the chips or cookies on the top shelf where you have to work to get to them...put a serving of almonds in a baggie so they're readily available, or diced cheese RIGHT at nose level when you open the refrigerator door, OR, instead of heading to the kitchen when you get those feelings, turn around and head out the front door - you don't have to go for an hour hike, just go around the block...or next time, tell yourself to wait just 5 more minutes...then 10, then 12, 13, 15.....you'll be surprised at how much easier it'll get. Hang in there - you got this! 
07 mai 18 por membro: kmkjmomma
Thanks everyone. I'm really kind of sad about it but I know this is a temporary setback. Really, the choices are quit or dust off and try again. I'm not quitting. I think I will quit setting time goals on my weight loss. I think it just adds to the stress of the situation. Yesterday when I had my salad I was starting to be annoyed b/c I thought the dressing had too many carbs. I thought I should have gotten ranch not Caesar, I should have gotten it on the side. I was going nuts about it. And that thinking leaves a crack in the armor - "well you blew it so you may as well eat some cookies"..."no, even if I ate too many carbs with the dressing, that would just make it worse". It's like the devil and angel sitting on your shoulders having this discussion in your brain. And finally you say ok if I eat these cookies will you just STFU?? So, yes, I will plan for the "next" binge day; you never know when they will hit you. I think I need to make a binge kit.  
07 mai 18 por membro: ny_shelly
Yes. failure is not falling down; it is not getting up when you have the ability to do so. I can't keep that kind of stuff in my apartment. All of it has to go. If I keep any of that stuff in my apartment I will go get it. Sure, I can drive to the HEB, but that is a little more of a hassle than going to my cabinets. Also, I have read that if your calorie deficit is more than 20% per your target, or even 20% of what your body is currently set to, then the hunger drive is very difficult to manage. You may be trying to cut too many calories, too quickly. Go slowly. 
07 mai 18 por membro: rgaDawg
the first step is awareness which is what you did. That is an excellent start! 
07 mai 18 por membro: Little Red Fox
I simply cannot express to you how much your post has helped me. Right now. Thank you! I applaud your ability to recognize what is going on in your head. I wish I could do that.  
07 mai 18 por membro: kritter1971
Go Caps! 
08 mai 18 por membro: jimmiepop
Sounds like you are describing what I have been through many times in the past. How brave of you to share your feelings and put it out there. I think that alone will help you change your behavior. I can only speak for myself but I found trying to fight the voice in my head did not help. Distraction, however, did. When I felt like that I would put on my favorite music and get up and dance, or take a walk, or go brush my teeth. I just had to find a way to get out of my own head. Hang in there. 
08 mai 18 por membro: bicoastalgal
Oh man, I know it's tough. I am at the maintenance stage and there are days I just want to go back to eating like I did before I lost the weight. I really have to stop myself and think about how much more difficult working out was, how my clothes didn't fit, etc. Thank goodness, I'm not tempted by sweet things all that often but man, I love chips. I try to stick with nuts but sometimes they just don't cut it. I keep natural popcorn on hand and that usually helps curb my salt craving. 
08 mai 18 por membro: Peasy3


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