I don't even want to weigh in. I didn't make it through the weekend and I am discusted with myself. I know this gain will be gone quickly but I feel miserable. Its like when I cheat I know I won't get to do it come Monday so I try to eat everything I can before my time is up or something. I am ready to get back in the groove though. My stomach is in turmoil. I have awful indegestion and a bad case of the burps. I had a nice weekend. I don't feel like I accomplised much school wise. I am really struggling in Algebra. I should have spent my weekend studying, instead I spent my weekend trying to cram every carb in site down my pie hole! So Saturday morning I was 208.2 and this morning I was 215.6. I am not even going to record it because I think it will be gone by Wednesday. :(


yeah you are probably right amanda it will go easy have you tried to use the atkins bars to help you get carb clear? i take an atkins advantage bar cut it into fourths and wrap it in sarahn wrap like a candy then when i just got to have some thing i take just one it helped me get back on trac.  
18 out 10 por membro: restlesshope
Oh Amanda, I hear you. Its tough sometimes to stay the course. You have so much on your plate right now - no pun intended. I do so hope you can find your way again. And don't record the 'up' unless it stays around - fingers crossed it leaves quick. I had the same problem last week with the 'up' - didn't record it and its gone. Good luck. I find it inspirational to read other people's journals, those that are doing well despite their struggles. Let me know if you can think of anything I can do to help motivate you - if I was closer I would hug you or kick your butt - whichever you thought would help - maybe even both. Be kind to yourself yet be firm. You want this, you really really want this and food is only a temporary fix. You have done SO well. So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, go eat a veggie, a protein and some fat, drink a gallon of water and hope your day goes well.  
18 out 10 por membro: sarahsmum
Amanda, restlesshope is on the money. You really need to find "Atkins approved" snacks to have readily available so you don't feel like you are missing out. You can make LC replacements for many of the things it is you are craving. Look how far you have come. Don't let it slip away hon. 
18 out 10 por membro: kmartin
Saturday was my downfall. I didn't have many Atkins friendly foods available and I was hungry. I made it to 1:30pm. My husband had to work and I was home bored. There was a bag of potato chips in the cubbord and I wanted them SO BAD! If I would have had some sunflower seeds I might could have substitued them and made it through. I really have no excuse. Wallowing in self discust will get me nowhere either. Today is a new day. I really thought I had to together too. Last week I had reached an all new lowest weight ever and was on cloud 9. 80 lbs... well now I guess I can just say 73 lbs. I pray it comes off quickly and that I can keep it together over next weekend. I could use a good hug and butt whoopin right about now. :) Thanks for all the support. Really just being on here helps a ton. 
18 out 10 por membro: amanda123
Amanda, I am sure that the weight will come back off very quickly. What is past, is past, we annoit change it, but we can prepare better for next time! Why did you have chips in the cupboard? Were they for the children? If so, start getting the small bags for them, or better yet get something different for their snack. Get something that is more carb friendly. Teach them early to eat those low carb, healthy snacks. I am sure that the weight be gone by WEdnesday, jsut like you said, so hang in there. And here is your butt whoopin'....just think how far along you would've been by Wednesday if you hadn't caved to the siren call of the killer carbs! Okay, now get back at it, girlfriend....{{{HUGGGGSSS}}}! 
18 out 10 por membro: ctlss
Alright Amanda, sending you hugs. Now here's the butt whoopin!!! Remind yourself how proud you were when you reached 80lbs. Why sabotage your hard work and efforts? Don't you think your worth it? Even if you don't - I do! Now get off your rump, stop making excuses, and just do it! Come on, you are almost in onederland. Don't screw it up. Don't settle for anything less than perfect. And finally, stop buying junk food. 
18 out 10 por membro: kmartin
LOL! In my defense, I didnt buy the chips. :D My dh bought them. I don't even know why he bought them. They were the plain lays type and thats not even his favorite. They were just there, all salty and crispy, and calling my name. You are right, I don't need to screw this up. I have worked so hard and come so far. Last night I pulled out an old pair of jeans from way back. They are a size 16 and the last time I wore them was August of 2005. I weighed about 195 then and it was just a couple months after the birth of my second baby. I felt so thin back then. It realy felt great. Anyways those jeans went up over my legs okay but they were tight in the butt and they like about 2" before they will button. I am going to keep those on my dresser for incentive. I am super ecstatic about my weight loss. YOu would think that would be enough to keep me on track but it hasn't. I am a pj and sock lover. I have about 3 dresser drawers full of pj bottoms and some of them I can't wear at all anymore. I have to use a rubber band to notch them up so they will stay on now. OK - Grrrrr - I got my game face on and I will survive this week and make myself a plan for the weekend. I will keep myself so busy that I won't even have time to think about food and I will get all the junk OUT of the house! Actually all those PJ bottoms might fit my sister now. I need to do some spring cleaning... scratch that... Fall cleaning anyways. 
18 out 10 por membro: amanda123
Amanda, sounds like this is the one area in which you haven't focused too much attention on. Maybe we can work on finding some things to help you overcome the weekend weaknesses. I know your week days are consistenly good so focus on finding ways to change the structure of those short lived 2 days that seem to backfire on you. What changes can you make? Instead of eating from boredom, try a new activity or even a recipe. The little things will help you. 
18 out 10 por membro: kmartin
Amanda, there is one other thing that you really need to work on and that is your will power. You need to be able to control yourself. So that when you come across times where there is food that you KNOW is not good for you, you don't eat it. JUST SAY NO!!! I know that is an old anti-drug slogan, but it applies to us, since OUR drug of choice is CARBS!!!!! So start trying to JUST SAY NO when you are faced with something that you know you shouldn't eat! One of these times, you are going to slip, and the slope is going to be too slippery and you are going to go into a headlong slide that you can't get out of. And I really don't want to see that happen. You have worked way tooo hard!!!! HUGGGGGSSSSSS!!!!!!!! 
18 out 10 por membro: ctlss
I ate my willpower. :) I really don't have much self control. I guess you could say I have an addictive nature. If it is something I enjoy or want I have a hard time telling myself no. Maybe my self control just has a short or something. It obviously works now & then or I wouldnt have made it this far. I do have to get back in control though or your right Stef, I will slip and just keep falling until I can't get back up again. 
18 out 10 por membro: amanda123
I feel you girl! Only my slip up was for almost a month! I kept saying, oh come Monday I will get back on track...that was 4 Mondays' ago. Good for you for acknowledging the whoopise and sticking with the plan. I feel like crap too. Just goes to show you what damage simple carbs can really do! No more! Buh bye Lays, helllooo eggs! :) 
18 out 10 por membro: klbbrewer
Amanda, you might not feel like you have much self control but your wrong. You aren't giving yourself the properly credit where its due. I might not know you outside of FS but from what I do know about you, you are a strong and stubborn person. I don't believe for one second that anyone could ever get in your way of anything. You stand up for everything. Why not yourself? The weaknesses you are feeling are not you. And until you stand up to them you are going to have this problem. Next time you are in front of a mirror give yourself a good hard look. Tell your inner self that you mean business and wont settle or give in.  
18 out 10 por membro: kmartin
I can really identify with the eating as much as I can over the weekend because when MONDAY comes...... It's kinda like the kid who wants to eat ALL the Halloween candy on Halloweeen night because once it bedtime, the candy will go away. For myself, I visualize that the "I want it NOW" behavior is like my inner child coming out and throwing a tantrum. Gotta soothe that gal (NOT with food), redirect her and say, "No, not today....maybe tomorrow." Of course, by tomorrow, hopefully, things would be better. 
18 out 10 por membro: Sandy701
It's called Tough Love. We do it with our children. So why is it so hard to give it to ourselves? 
18 out 10 por membro: kmartin
Amanda, I don't for one minute believe that you have no will power. Someone with no will power would never have lost 80 pounds! I think that you really are stronger than you give yourself credit for,and that is why I said you must simply, JUST SAY NO! If I didn't think you could do it I wouldn't tell you that. But you are a strong, beautiful woman, and I know you can.  
18 out 10 por membro: ctlss
Amanda I screwed up at my retreat and had two Kalamata olive rolls and three pinches smaller than 1/2 bite of a chocolate dessert called crack. I was lucky I didn't get cravings afterwards. So now I am back to Induction (Plus nuts) for two weeks to get sorted out again. I don't know if I gained weight. I will weigh again in about six days. I hope you can get a handle on your impulse to binge - you have done so well.  
18 out 10 por membro: Multiplicity1


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