Registado a novembro 2011
Histórico de Peso

Peso Inicial
81,9 kg
Perdidos até agora: 12,1 kg

Peso Atual
69,9 kg
Desempenho : peso estável

Peso Alvo
72,6 kg
Ainda faltam: 2,7 kg
My name's Caelan, I'm from Arizona. I'm 19, go to the University of Arizona, and spend most my time at school, the gym, playing hockey, and eating/sleeping. I started using this site because I just transferred to Android and heard that the FatSecret Calorie Counter app is one of the best ones, plus its free, so I figured I'd give it a shot! If you wanna know anything about me, don't be shy! Feel free to send me messages with any questions/comments/anything else.

My starting weight is 180, BF% unknown, but I would very much like to get to 170 by the New Year, and keep cutting down until I feel comfortable with where I'm at, at least 160 or lower.

Histórico de Peso de hockeyfan4life

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