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09 fevereiro 2007

I feel much better today. Not so tired and spirits are lifted. I think the birthday was a little depressing this year knowing i'm in my last 30 number. :( but I'm going to make it a good one if I can help it. My goal is to look better and better as each month passes! By the time I hit 40, I wont care because I'll look so good! :) I have a lot of work to do and thank goodness for this website! I'm sure I will need all the help I can get at times. :) thanks to all of you who are so positive! I even like to read the frustrated blogs! It makes me know that I'm not the only one who gets down and out over my slow weight loss sometimes. Well, tomomorrow I weigh in. I dont think it will look so pretty. I gained a little from cheating last week on my birthday and I think it's about that time of the month, if ya know what i mean.. YUK. I'm bloated and grouchy (at least my husband says so!!! hahaha) so we will see in the morning. I'll post the weight no matter what. We all have our good and bad times... we'll see tomorrow how bad mine will be! ha-ha. I can say i've been good the rest of the week though and wearing a pair of white jeans i couldnt wear for the past year! Woo Hoo! So I'm happy regardless of what the scale says tomorrow! Wish me luck! :)

06 fevereiro 2007

I seem to have went from an emotional high to a low. I'm sooooo tired I just can't think straight tonight. Need a good nights sleep I guess. I will think better tomorrow. :) Ate too much pizza on my birthday and my cake wasn't good enough to have wasted the carbs on it. It was stale tasting! I shoud have baked it myself! hahahah(Teaches me not to cheat!!!) LOL. But I'm back at it strong. Tried a new recipe tonight.... didnt care for it too much. It had sirloion in it and it turned out tough. Will have to modify that recipe before i make it again! My husband went for the left over Pizza and ate it in front of me and the boys... (the old meanie!!!)LOL. I'm not gonna weigh in till Saturday. that will make it at the week mark. Maybe the cheat day on Sunday wont be so noticable! LOL. Thanks to all for your encouragement and Birthday wishes... i'm now 39 and holding!!! LOL

03 fevereiro 2007

This morning I got up and weighed myself. I am sooo happy to not see a 2 in front of my numbers!!! I have finally got below the 200 mark! I know it's not much, but i'm sooo happy to see a one hundred something!! Last night I had realy bad cramping in my lower leggs. I've been really bad about taking suppliments like Atkins tells you in his books. Even a multi-vitamin a day is better than nothing. I've been taking nothing! Stupid me. Well, this weekend I have to change that. My leggs are warning me that i'm not getting enough Calcium or Potassium or something. I'm not one who eats alot of cheese, so I'm probably not getting my vitamin D and Calcium. If anyone has any idea what I may be missing besides that, feel free to comment. Vitamins are not my specialty and I absolutely hate taking them!

01 fevereiro 2007

Doing really good so far. Still seeking out some great recipes for dinners. My total loss so far is 11 pounds since I started on January 2nd. Unfortunately, my first week I weighed at work with my friends. Then a week later I purchased a Weight Watchers digital scale and started weighing at home with my boys too! So, I have about a 4 pound difference between two Weight Watcher digital scales! HA-HA. The weight I posted on this site is my home scale with my boys the day I joined the site. I purchased a scale for home to help my boys out with keeping track of their progress. (they are doing great by the way!! Mike is down 12.2 pounds and Brett is down 10.8 lbs! It's funny, I have two weights in my calendar every week. Vicki (W) and Vicki (H) for work and home. hahaha.. it gets confusing sometimes! I'll just keep my home posted on this website.. cause it's easy to weigh in your jammies in the morning before you eat breakfast and post it immediately on the site! LOL At work, I'm wearing jeans and sometimes heavy clothing so I'm always weighing in 4 pounds heavier than my home scale. I wish they were the same! LOL It would be less confusing. :)

29 janeiro 2007

Well, someone wished the bad weather on Florida! LOL. We are having our first cold spell.... freeze warnings for tonight! Mr. Winter is deciding to pay us a visit for a day or two! We had to turn the heat on! ha-ha. I guess today went well on the diet... yesterday, I dont know what came over me.. but I craved like a bad dream!! OH I wanted to cheat sooooo bad! All I could think about was chocolate! I think it's the very first time since I started that I have felt this way. I must be PMS'n or something... Not sure.. but I was going crazy! I know...It's the boring tax stuff... thats it... i'm working too hard and not enjoying a thing! Hurry up April!! I'm over this tax stuff! LOL. My birthday is Monday and the boys and my husband want me to cheat on Sunday (SUPERBOWL SUNDAY!) and celebrate my birthday as well. Frankly, I think they just want pizza and cake! forget the birthday! ha-ha... that's just an excuse they are giving me to cheat. so... What do you think???? Cheat on my Birthday??? or NOT?

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