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04 julho 2008

Well Ireland is a small place with only just over 4 million of us, yet we claim 40 million Irish Americans claiming Irish roots including 23 American presidents. Other noteables are James Cagney, Bing Crosby, Walt Disney, John Ford, Judy Garland, Gene Kelly, Grace Kelly, Tyrone Power, and Spencer Tracy, Ed Sullivan etc etc.. Am just mentioning this by way of associating with those of you who are celebrating this weekend.... May your sense of all that is good about your brilliant Country and community be profound and lasting.

When I was a wee boy, all I ever wanted to do when I 'grew up' was to go to america, become a cowboy, wear the hat and live the American way. Someday I'll try to live that dream with a ranch holiday! HAPPY 4th OF July ... everyone.

This strange woman called me into the bedroom last night.. when I arrived, this gorgeous creature modelled tops and trousers that she had but which were unwearable only a few short months ago... Holy Wow.. Holy feckin' Wow.. she has lost her first stone now (14lbs) and is looking magnificent..what a difference those inches make, never mind the lbs - and there is a glow from within, a real confident happiness that only comes from positive achievement - its a wonderful thing and ya HAVE to count your blessings don't ya when ya have them.

Other than that, I am kinda glad to get this week out of the way.. difficult hungerwise, and really stressful on the work front.. its not easy being a small family firm when yer up against the might of the multinationals with their wads of cash.. the feckers..(am I "fecking" too much - its what we DO over here!!). So onward and upward to a glorious weekend I say.. Enjoy the hol.. see ya Monday.


02 julho 2008

Gerry the barman never lifted an eyebrow last night and as he brought the Dads Guinness and my pint of low carb water...I noticed too that he had added ice, lemon and a dash of sugarfree lime - awwww, He cares!

Well yesterday Sarah and Tiernan had their big check up with the Diabetic consultant and the diabetic nurse at the hospital. When they did the HPA1C to get their average blood sugar readings over the last months... Sarah came in at 6.3 with Tiernan at 6.9 (apparantly over here the ideal is 7 or below) so all concerned were delighted with the control and amazed at Sarah's reduced insulin requirement. All thanks to a low carb lifestyle!! its good to know that there is a bit more to all this other than just the weight. The lower the insulin requirement the less stress on some vital organs.. so tis all good. Muy bien..

*Chuckles ruefully*.. I have to admit to having a really hard week!! Firmly out of ketosis and hungry! and craving things and the sleeping sickness is upon me, sure I'd go for a nap in the middle of the highway so I would, no energy. The good news is that it will pass and there is NO chance of me giving in... have come too far for that sort of carry on begob!

Now... I think I'll just wander over yonder to the couch for a lil lay down!!

01 julho 2008

Well Holy God... doesn't a week pass quickly. Its time for my weekly sleepover at Mam & Dads with the customery visit to Gerry the barman for another pint of low carb water which will only be mildy salted by me tears as I sit watchin the Da sup his pint of pure black Guinness porter!!

Maths... am beginning to wonder if its my strong point at all, at all. Typically I weigh meself in Stones and pounds and do the simple multiplication in order to convert to lbs.. however on this new all singin all dancing scales that we have just bought there is a lil swith now to weigh in as ya like.. when I switched it to lbs and stepped on last night... sure I was 2 lbs lighter than I thought. So Sundays weight in might be interesting, it could be a case of weight loss ... by default (I will however take out me abacus and re check everything thoroughly before I record). I have not as yet found the switch on the scales which makes it brew your morning cuppa as yet.. but its got to be there, everything else is.

Am still only half way to ketosis!! (am 0.3 and 0.6 is ketosis) I think that I might ditch and the digital monitor and opt for the ketone strips... cause I'm colourblind, grins.. so lying can't really be held against me!! isint that right?

Am eatin' like a caveman mostly but still wondering why.. if cream is so low... why can't ya have tons of cream, once ya stay under 20g? Cannot describe my cravings for sf jello and cream! I do BRILLIANTLY until I get home then all I want is jelly and cream... cause its yummy... and of course my mind keeps telling me 'Dave your a good man, you work hard, pay your taxes, go to church, have stopped kicking the dog, ya change your underwear and put the toilet seat back down, you DESERVE IT... and I find myself very hard to argue against!!! Oh well.. at least I'm not craving coffee cake and donuts anymore...

The rain is only thundering against the window pane here as I type... another wonderful Oirish summer. Hoping its more pleasant where you are.. Andee are those fires out yet at your place?



30 junho 2008

An awful 'quare' phenomenon occured last week, which kept me away... I had to work!!! a lot.. so no coffee breaks or luchtimes last Thurs or Fri which is frankly outrageous and I think that I'll write a very stern letter, to someone, in TRIPLICATE! That will teach 'em!!

And so it continues... my third week weighing in at the same weight.. tis becoming a bit of a pattern now... lose at bit and stay the same for 3 weeks, lose a bit and stay the same for 3 weeks...etc at least its in the right direction, its the lowest I have been for years and years.. AND it is on the new high fangle, double dangle fancy ww scales that we now have. Yes they are easy to read and can tell weight, bmi and calculate my weekly gas consumption... but holy jaysus I could have put Conor through University with what they cost!!! (and apparantly they were only the 'mid' range scales!) I am in the wrong business I tells ya! I wonder if I could make millions by marketing weighing scales that just ... lied?

Sarah and the boys just broke up for their summer holidays (off now till Sept 1st), we have filled out the forms and sent off the money in hope that this particular company will finally be able to get us a broadband internet connection - then Herself .. the 'Omnipotent one' can get on here.. (and contradict everything I say, chuckles, or apologise for me!).

Since we removed the 'white stuff' from the house... Patrick (11yrs) has really benefitted he has shed lbs gently and is heading towards goal weight by the end of the summer hopefully (the other two lads are lean - the durty beggers!).

I finally listened to Sara and went to sugarfree Shiela site! Oh my giddy aunt... I want to take out a bank loan now and buy shares in that pace.. has anyone bought from there? is the stuff as good as it seems?????

Now off to do the rounds.. I always seem to be a day behind in replying to posts so am gonna leave it as late as possible today and see iffin I can get meself "Current" ~s~

Happy 4th day before Fourth of July day!!!


30 junho 2008

Peso: Perdidos até agora: Ainda faltam: Dieta cumprida:
78,0 kg 7,7 kg 8,2 kg Razoavelmente Bem
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