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20 fevereiro 2015

Missed several days... probably won't journal over weekends just due to family, house, chores, etc.

This week has been hectic and it simply slipped my mind as I am not in the habit yet of journaling... my bad. As for diet... have not been counting per se but I feel confident I have not gone over 200g on the days I was not watching closely... but that could be a rationalization, so I cannot in good conscience say I was on track.

Today, a Breakfast Bowl (16g carbs) and a bad bad bad thing... 2 doughnuts, chocolate covered cake doughnuts... from the Sugar Shack. Somebody brought them in and I simply said eff it and ate 2. Huge chocolate covered badness!!! Oh well... I am no doubt wayy over for the day now, so I will go green and have salads both for lunch and dinner... sheesh.

Did the food entry and surprise surprise... 17g for the breakfast bowl and only 51g for the doughnuts... so yeah, over for the morning, but only by 18g... not good but not as bad as I first thought. So 150-68=82 or 41/41 for the rest of today... or decent lunch and a low or no carb dinner... Huh, 2 huge doughnuts and as long as I don't say eff it again, I can still stay on track. It's all about the total carbs.
[end edit]

Plus, not to get too TMI, but the wife and I have been... well, things have not been good. For a long time, years... and we were/are very close to ending it, and this is a level of stress some of you will understand... still, it does not allow or forgive one from taking care of themselves... but it is very adverse to health and wellbeing.

We had a hell weekend and a hard week only to end up on an @home 'date' last night... Boo (our dottir) was on a sleepover, so on the way home at 7PM last night I picked up steaks and stuff... We had fauxcrab in garlic butter for the appetizer, grilled steaks with cucumber salad (a fav or mine) and (the bad) a baked potato w/ butter.

Shouldn't have had the potato really, but we had a really nice evening for the first time in a long long time... sometimes, other things just take precedence.

13 fevereiro 2015

Again, breakfast and lunch are past... and only an hour to go till end of shift.

I probably should add that I only drink Coke Zero or Crystal Light iced Tea or water, so that is not a factor carbswise. After hours I do like a Rum n Coke, using Coke Zero to keep the carbs down, but I am a light/med social drinker so it effectively is rarely any factor in my overall diet.

OK, today took in 125.5g carbs before dinner.
Not a great breakfast, cause 'McDs'... but not heinously over budget at 70g... Decent lunch, Firehouse subs are very tasty and very filling and basically on budget at 56g carbs. 0 carbs for the 'Bridgeford' Beef Snack Sticks (Bacon added). (Could not find them in the food listings.. can anyone tell me how to add an item to the search?)

So once again tonight, I'll whomp up a salad, Romain lettuce, chopped tomatoes, sliced bell peppers, chicken and ham, salt n pepper with Chunky Blue Cheese dressing. Last nights salad ran me, by the tool here, 7.48 carbs (let's round to 10) so if tonight's is similar, which it will be, then for today I will take in 136g total for the day...

Ate at McD's, had for me a bigger than normal breakfast... a filling lunch, several good snacks after lunch to tide me till 7PM shift end... looking forward to a filling dinner salad and I'm still under 150g of carbs.

Counting carbs when done right does not leave you starving or craving as long as you are in control of your will. Simply ask yourself every time you see a candy bar... do I want 'that' MORE than I want to feel GOOD?

The answer is easy... and I do understand that for many, the walking away is harder... but I am here to tell you, it is up to you, not your cravings... you. Just walk away. You will do it if you believe you will.

13 fevereiro 2015

Comments on Thursday- I show 137g carbs for the day, which is inside of my carb budget... and this site shows me going over on calories, 2600+ when I am budgeted for 2300 a day. I know calories are important, but my personal experience shows me that actual carb intake is far more important than total calories as far as weight gain/loss are concerned.

As long as I stay under 150g per day... I lose weight 'almost' irregardless of calorie intake. Calorie intake is not necessarily indicative of the intake of foods that the body will 'readily' turn into fats (IE carbs) for long term storage against the privations of winter.

Privations that, as a species, we basically eliminated 10,000 years ago with the advent of agriculture and animal husbandry... IE when we stopped gathering 'available' food stuffs and started growing a 'surplus' of food.

13 fevereiro 2015

Not my best morning... Boo (11yo dottir) is still sick, and has been 2 weeks now, so I am getting really stressed out. Basically got no sleep last night and not much the last few days. This of course negatively impacts health and abilities.

Not best morning foodwise either, running late so stopped and hit McDonalds (which is a last ditch option now but 'circumstances') got a Sausage, Egg & Cheese biscuit.

When I got into work my group had ordered breakfast delivery and got me a BLT... (BLTs are one of my comfort foods)... Anyway, I looked a the total carbs and ate both as I was really hungry from no sleep and stress. While the total is high, 68.8g (call it 70) meaning I was basically 20 over budget for breakfast.

Now here is where I 'cheat' in my favor... I use the listed carbs but I ate only half of the SE&C biscuit's biscuit. I removed the top half and had it open faced... this reduces the carbs by approx 1/2 but I still count it as at the full listing.

So, this means I can budget either 30g 'on plan' for lunch or go over at lunch to 50g and do a lighter dinner, 30g, like last night. The thing is, this is still doable... it is about the 'total' which allows flexibility in what I eat... that and a good thing I like salads as long as some chicken bits are added on top. =]

We'll see wher lunch puts me...

12 fevereiro 2015

Breakfast and lunch are past, and I took in a total of 127g of carbs out of the 150 I have allotted for each day. Not terribad but not where I 'prefer' to be at this point. I aim for breakfast and lunch to total no more than 100g and under would be better.

This leaves me only a 23g carb allowance for dinner, so very low card tonight, maybe a salad or a meat L&T heavy sandwich. The bread is prefer only 12g carbs a slice, so 24g for the sandwich as long as the rest is 0 carbs (cold cuts, lettuce, tomatoes, seasonings, coke zero, Crystal light iced tea, etc.) and I'm still on track for the day.

The 150g carb allowance give me 50/50/50 for each meal or, if I go eggs and bacon or sausage at breakfast, IE 0 carbs, then I have 75/75 for lunch & dinner... and you would be amazed at what is available for 75 carbs... subs and even thin crust pizza... it really is not that hard to have full meals and a fill stomach and still go low carb... it's how you use what you allow in your diet.

Histórico de Peso de JDBlackwell

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