Cumulative update:

Update for Day 1: Jun 28th
As I mentioned on the journal entry for that day, everything was good and on track for the day, except this last part now being mentioned..For some reason, I gave in to a lime tortilla chips cravings and finished what was left in the bag (around midnight!), and then found the bag of chex mix and had a few of the pretzels & bagel bites in that (about a couple of portions), and then feeling disgusted with myself, threw out the rest of the bag.
So, now, the question is, how do I count that day? Should it be "Day 1.0" implying a no-fault conclusion as I did do everything else really well for the whole day, and 1 error should not undermine everything else? Or, should it be Day 1.5 (implying half a point deducted for partially messing up?), or should be it Day 1.1 (implying an error is an error, and deserves a point off for the mischief?!).

Update for June 29th: Day 2
The above question regarding partial or full decimal point deductions applies to Day 2 as well, as I did pretty well food-wise, and was within my points and drank water etc., but did not exercise!! Well, I did two sets of weights at night (bicep arm curls and lateral raises) for about 5-10 mins while watching again, should I count this is a good day, a bad day, or a partially good/bad day?

Meals & Points:
Cereal (3)
Coffee with cream (1)
Almonds and walnuts (4)
whole wheat Pita (4) with spreads (1)
Carrot/oat/bran Muffin with jam (4)
17 pts

Day 3: Jan 30:
So far so good workout yet, but HAVE to do so at 6 pm.
Later Update: Didn't get the workout done after all....I've been working on some killer writing-deadlines around the clock, and just don't feel like breaking away to do anything else! I know, I know, it sounds like excuses, but once again, I can't seem to get started with workouts in the morning, and then for some reason through the day I keep procrastinating on working out and then miss it entirely!! Ok, so, after one of my deadlines in met today, I'll be better and force myself to get the exercises done in the MORNING--first thing!!

Other than that, the meals and points for the day were pretty good. I even dodged a bullet in the coffee-shop, when I was almost convinced by the coffee-guy to go for one of their desserts--he said it wasn't low fat or anything, but not too bad either. I told him, i'd think about it and see later...however,later, I found a banana, and that worked out well for the craving and for the hunger!

Here're the points for the day:
Cereal w skim milk (3)
3 cups Coffee with cream (2)
Whole wheat bun (4) with rice/oat burger (4)
Banana (2)
Vegi patty (2)
Stir fry: Beef-less strips (2) with veggies, sriracha sauce, hoisin sauce, black bean sauce, sesame oil (1), almonds (1)

4 ricecakes (4)
Total: 25
(actually, the ricecakes will put me in an "overage", but I don't feel too bad---it was all good food choices today, so better than the last few days, and I'll still consider today a good day).

Water: Plenty!


I would just count the food infraction all on day 1. I would consider that you DID exercise on day 2, I figure something is always better than nothing when I don't feel like exercising. I just give myself credit for getting started most times because starting is the hard part. I'm not quite clear on how your point system works, but you have to consider what the purpose of your point system is. Is it to keep track of successes and falilures to learn from it or is it to beat yourself up for it. We all make mistakes. Journaling makes us all realize how NOT perfect we are. Count it as a minor infraction and move on. It isn't so much about being perfect as doing the best you can most of the time. Some people find they benefit from a planned "treat" (i.e. "cheat") meal once a week. Planning keeps them in control and gives them something to look forward to. After all, caving in isn't pleasurable at all if you feel guilty and disgusted with yourself afterwords. If you're going to have a treat now and again anyway, you may as well make it enjoyable and worth it. You have done great so far and you will continue doing great. Just let it go and move on. You'll get your groove back. You may consider re-evaluating your point system to give you credit for things instead of points for missing things. (For instance 1 point for staying on the diet, 1 point for exercise, etc.) I know it is a minor detail, but emotionally it might make a difference. Dieting is about taking care of yourself and reward yourself instead of punish yourself. :) 
30 jul 08 por membro: sararay
On another note, I always thought the WW point thing was a good idea, but counted backwards. I know this may sound silly, but instead of counting up to however many points you eat, what about GIVING YOURSELF your maximum at the beginning of each day and "spending" them throughout the day. Reward yourself when you don't go into "debt", so to speak. It's just a thought, or another perspective.  
30 jul 08 por membro: sararay
Thanks Sara!! Those are some great reminders of what the goals should be, and what to use as motivators (rewards or punishment)...I think I'm going to write off the minor infractions (just mention them in my journal, but not count them in my decimal points)...I want the numbering of days to just help me keep track of how many days I have been on the program (in some measure), and account for only those days when I've completely been off-the-wagon, so as to scare me into getting right back on the wagon when I see those numbers piling back on.... 
30 jul 08 por membro: 08willbegreat
yeah, I like that idea of ww points counting downward...As for a system of counting all the good deeds of the day--I've tried that before, and it quickly got complicated, and I had to abandon it as it entailed too many things to keep track of...For now, I'm trying to adopt a "wholistic" numbering system, as in a whole day of being on the program--and doing various things (even if big or small) to stay on the program...and accounting for only those days in my negative tally where I completely abandoned the system, e.g., while on a vacation... 
30 jul 08 por membro: 08willbegreat
That makes sense. Then, what about giving yourself a pat on the back when you get 4 out of 5 (or however many). Just a thought. I go by a weekly count, in my own records. If that helps. :) I think it is great that you keep track of all of this to keep yourself accountable.  
30 jul 08 por membro: sararay
I think you are overthinking the whole process. Don't get caught up in what is or isn't an "infraction" or degrees of how bad they were. If it wasn't a perfect day, count it as such and move on to the next day. Your plan to keep track of the good days and bad days sounded great in principle but don't let it turn into a way of punishing yourself. You are trying to keep yourself motivated with this plan. Try to be positive. Every day is a new chance to do better. You can do it :) 
30 jul 08 por membro: evelyn64
yeah, I agree....I'm going to give up this life of "crime and punishment" hehe! Thanks for the reminder---I'll look at the big picture and not get wrapped up in details...(I know you guys will keep me honest :)!) 
30 jul 08 por membro: 08willbegreat
Math! Numbers! Ack! I'm just happy you are here, and are being aware of what you're doing. That's more than half the battle, I think! Throwing out the bag of snacks was great exercise! Any more you can toss? :) 
30 jul 08 por membro: amryk
Am I the only one that found your point system hilarious and entertaining?? hee hee! I wanna weigh in on your current misbehaving ways, too!! I'd say that you should get the 1.1 ruling, and I'd also go as far as to say that you cannot even consider giving yourself a 1.0 OR a 1.5. This is a simple equation to help explain my answer; Did you mess up or not? It's simple...YOU MESSED UP! neener neener! NOW CAN WE CHALLENGE EACH OTHER?? WHILE YOU'RE ALL WEAK AT THE KNEES WITH FRAIL WILLPOWER? I MAY ACTUALLY HAVE A CHANCE TO WIN A CHALLENGE FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE????  
31 jul 08 por membro: BadAndee
seriously speaking, I agree 150% with evelyn64!! That woman knows her stuff!! May I steal her key words? overthinking, caught-up, punishing. May I steal her positive words as well?? keeping motivated, being positive, every day is a new chance to do better, you can do it!! I'm gonna have to talk to evelyn!! She's been in my mind and stealing my thoughts again! darn woman! :) hugs to you!! and stop this ridiculous attack on my friend, will ya??  
31 jul 08 por membro: BadAndee
Hey, I LOVE YOUR NEW BIO PIC!! you look all skinny and hawt already!! Now, drop and give me 50 more push-ups private Great! 
31 jul 08 por membro: BadAndee
I like your profile picture too. :)  
31 jul 08 por membro: sararay


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