Hey Everybody!!! I didn't post last night because by the time we got home from the Thanksgiving dinner around 11:30 last night, I was just too beat to do anything but go to bed. I had a great time, we won't discuss what I ate. I thought seriously about eating low-carb, and really wanted to (I even brought Michelob Ultra as my beer contribution) but aside from the turkey there was NOTHING carb-friendly. No cheese plate, no salad (except potato), no plain veggies--it was a healthy carb wasteland. While I did partake in some no-nos, I am patting myself on the back for attempting to plan ahead, and before we went I made myself a pretty hearty yes-yes snack so that if a) I was too nervous to eat, or b) there was nothing good for me to eat, I would have at least had enough nourishment to prevent me from eating the refrigerator when I got home. This is the first time I have actually made a plan of action before an event, and as this WOE is about creating lifetime habits for me I feel that I was successful even if I did eat some yucky stuff--but because I had planned I didn't eat as much yucky stuff as I would have before becoming conscious.

I also discovered last night that my nervousness, as always, was completely unfounded, and that I am a total biahtch when I'm nervous before an event (I put sweet Sarah face on when I get there, though--I'm always the consummate actress!). I am very lucky that Hill loves and understands me, 'cause if I had been him in the couple of hours leading up to the party I would have spent the first couple of hours at the party looking for someone new! I'm just always sure that no one is going to like me, and I won't find anyone to talk to, and that I will be repulsive to other people. This is completely CRAZY thinking--and I'm amazed at how much I am and have been affected by my weight, or more correctly, my own perception of my weight. I'm always afraid that people will be disgusted by watching me eat or that the only seating will be flimsy lawn chairs, and after 2 seconds in sitting on one I'll be sprawled in the grass unable to do anything but roll around like the kid in "A Christmas Story" who's wearing too many layers of winter clothes. I feel like people will only see the outside shell and not see the person on the inside. And now I have the added pressure of being with Hill--he is very handsome, smart, gentle, kind, thoughtful and handsome (I know, I said it twice). I never thought I would ever end up with someone like him; somehow it seems like some cosmic mistake, and I have these fears that one day we'll be out with a group of people and he'll turn to me and realize that he's made a horrible mistake. I have discussed this with him, not because he has ever done anything to make me feel insecure, but because he needs to know how I'm feeling (he says sometimes he feels the same way about me--that I'll wake up one day and realize I made a mistake!)and why I turn into a raving harpy on occasion. Huh, it's interesting...this is the first time I have written this stuff down (I had to take a break to cry--Silly Sarah)and I am shocked by how deep my insecurities and my body issues run. I really need to work on this, because it is TOTALLY my issue. The only person around me who has a problem with me IS ME. I have never been made fun of because of my size (I usually beat them to the punch). I have never been excluded because of my size--I have always had boyfriends when I wanted them and friends when I needed them. I have never broken a lawn chair within two minutes of sitting in it. These fears are all mental constructs that give me an excuse, an out, if I fail. I am discovering that I am not very brave, and that I have been using this body as an excuse to be afraid--more times and in more ways than I ever realized. I had a great time last night, met lots of wonderful people, had great, funny conversations all night and Hill spent the evening telling everyone I was introduced to that I am the REAL Miss America (his favorite thing to say about me) and making sure I was okay, and looking at me with the kind of love that lets me know he sees no one else in the room but me. I am a very loved and lucky woman, and I need to start giving myself, as well as others, the benefit of the doubt.


You are a testament to the benefits of journalling! What wonderful self-revelations you are working through on here. I think anyone who has had weight issues for any length of time can identify to some degree with what you are feeling, me included. You are so lucky to be confronting these issues upfront and head on because, by the time you are nearing your goal weight, you will be in a much happier frame of mind. These issues don't just go away on their own when we lose weight. I've always maintained that it is much harder to lose the weight in our heads than it is on our bodies. Bravo for making such progress and being brave (yes, YOU are BRAVE) enough to share your thoughts.  
05 set 08 por membro: evelyn64
Awwww, Hill sounds like such a nice guy! You have some really valuable insights here. We are always our own worst critics. I'm glad the party turned out to be a good time! 
05 set 08 por membro: amryk
once again...WOW...it is so great having your journals to read, they help me understand my own feelings and self doubts...thank you 
05 set 08 por membro: veggies yuk
DITTO Ev and Veggie's replies....!! OMG, I sooooo see ME in your journal entry today! One difference is....I HAVE broken a flimsy lawn chair and have overhead conversation about being "repulsed and disgusted by overweight women" - that from someone who wanted the Earth to open and swallow her up after she realized I'd overheard.....She *WAS* a friend and I've NEVER forgotten that comment and always wondered if EVERYONE was disgusted with me.....You';re right Ev - these issues DON'T just go away when we lose weight.....One of the reasons I'm so thankful for the F & P challenge right now..... Simille......your journals are awe inspiring.....You have a huge writing talent and I'm so glad you're part of the FS family......!! YOU are AWESOME.......!! huggies 
05 set 08 por membro: drd3775
That could have been me talking about getting nervous before attending events and being self-conscious when I get there! It's our society that dictates what they think we should look like and they don't look at the person within. And it's NOT RIGHT!! I'm so glad you had a good time at the party. Your boyfriend is a very special guy. Hang onto him TIGHT!! :) 
05 set 08 por membro: mbhpro
Again, thanks so much for all of your support. I know we've all heard a million times you have to love yourself before you can love someone else; that statement comes not just from pop psychology but from the wisdom teachers of all traditions. I always thought that I was accomplishing that very well--that I understood the statement and had put it into practice. What I am finding now is that I have NOT loved myself nearly as much or as truly as I need to--that nasty little voice in the back of my head has been working on me for a long time and it's judgements have been coming out of my mouth, directed at other people. But the things I say, and the insecurities I have in my relationship with Hill are all about me--I am thinking and saying about others the things I believe about myself. I have said gossipy things about me. I have cheated on myself with food. I have underestimated my abilities severely and prevented myself some seizing opportunities that could have opened lots of doors for me. I have not loved myself as I expect others to love me. That is the truth--it's ugly and it's mean, but it's real. Now the struggle is to remember that truth and find the way to TRULY love me, and figure out how to let my mind let me just be. And you're all right--Hill is special 'cause he gracefully tolerates all this introspection, which can get downright boring (I bore myself half the time). That's one of the reasons ya'll are special too--you either tolerate it when it's boring, or it's not at all boring because you are there also and understand. Either way, thanks--all of you are helping me find the courage to explore the depths and meet the demon baby head on (which probably looks like a sparkly pony but is just cranky from all the nasty food induced indigestion!). 
05 set 08 por membro: Simille
Sometimes reading your journal is like looking into a mirror for me! I am certain you plucked a heart string of many Fat Secret members in your observations about self acceptance. One common sense lesson I have learned from Fat Secret is that the kinder we are to ourselves -- the kinder we can be to others. We also learn very quickly that it is exhausting for others to be around needy, overweight partners who cry, "Boo-hoo-hoo! Nobody likes me because I'm fat! Boo-hoo-hoo!" After a while spouses, friends, and companions must grow weary having to cross examine by insisting, "No, Dear, that's not true: we do like you. You're fine. You're not fat; you are beautiful to me." Having to stroke our ego's again and again must be tiring. Since we respect and love our partners so much - we must honor them by taking care of ourselves in a manner that enables us to take better care of them! Does any of that make sense? I hope so! Thanks -- as always -- for such an HONEST - HONEST journal entry!  
05 set 08 por membro: Cobra Fan
Eloquence is a gift and you have it. Writing what people are feeling is sometimes painful. It's like going to church and knowing the sermon is for and about you. You touched on everything that so many of us feel and yet are unable to say. Fear is a large part of it and yes some of it is we don't think anyone wants to hear it anymore, and maybe thay don't. But here we have all found an outlet for our thoughts and feelings and I thank you for putting into words (and tears) what so many have felt. Sorry for the ramble. 
05 set 08 por membro: juanab
wow! looks like we are both in a big self-evaluation mode today!!! I will once again say you're a terrific writer! And you have an amazing personlity that comes through these pages! People would love to be friends with you! You don't ever have to worry about what they're going to think---just let them see you!! Proof is your hot boy-toy, who seems to really adore you, and see you in all your moods and emotions, and still stick around--as you said yourself--which means he truly gets you and values you!! We can say this, and your boyfriend can say this, but you're on a journey, liek us all, and I do hope that some day soon you'll feel confident and IN LOVE with the person that YOU ARE!!!  
05 set 08 por membro: 08willbegreat
Again, thanks to and for all of you. O8 you said exactly what my goal needs to be--to fall in love with myself, a woman who is smart, funny, kind and BEAUTIFUL who deserves all of the love she can get. To fall in love with myself, without needing anyone else to validate that love because I feel cradled in my own worth all the time--that is the goal. And should be the goal for all of us--many of us spend a lot of time trying to get other people to fall in love with us, but it seems that we should be taught, from the beginning, that the most important person to love us is ourselves. From that sense of love everything else flows much more easily. I hope, if I ever have kids, that I will be successful in teaching and modeling this attitude from the day they are born. 
05 set 08 por membro: Simille
Simille!! what are you trying to do, make me cry, girl?? I have a soft place in my heart for you...such raw and exposed fragilities...that doesn't sound like a woman who lives in fear, that's for sure! You have enough courage to stand yourself up as tall as my guardian angel!! (she's 16 ft tall!!!) I admire you for facing your journey with open honesty! and WHEN you have children, they'll love, respect AND admire their mother! AS I HOPE YOU KNOW WE ALL DO! (now who would want to choke me now?! LOL) Ok okk!! it was just a feeble (worthless?!)attempt to make you smile and feel a bit better!  
06 set 08 por membro: BadAndee
I think this is just your way of keeping finger prints off of your neck--and serious Sarah wants to say that she is proud of you for all of that fancy running you've been doing (I keep up with your journal, joggy girl!)and is looking forward to the day when she's like, "ha, ha I just ran 37 miles while doing my crossword, crocheting a hat AND solving quantum equations. Now suck on THAT!" And you did make me smile--and I do feel better 'cause now, here at FS, I have a place to work all of this stuff out which is frickin' awesome! 
06 set 08 por membro: Simille
Great journal! I have also had these fears that my husband will "wake up", and we both get cranky very easily before social events, usually on the way there. I read your journal and thought - hmmm... So true! You are not alone. I am really glad you had a good time and that you met nice people. Your fiance sounds like a wonderful understanding person. His response to your sharing this with him was perfect.  
06 set 08 por membro: fraise
Simille, I put lots of additional thought into your journal...I guess you could say I 'slept on it'! (not literally, though! hee hee!). You mentioned that you don't feel as if you're being brave, but seriously, I don't think I could be as open and frank as you were on your journal, BECAUSE I know i'm not that brave! I'm terrified of what people may think of me! (as if their opinions are going to destroy me if they're not good ones, or something!) hhhmpf! anyway, hope you're feeling better today! Just wanted you to know that i'm admiring your super strength!  
06 set 08 por membro: BadAndee
Dear all you have to do is smile at someone and that person will want to talk to you. I know I did. You have a great smile that makes people around you happier.  
25 set 08 por membro: sunsetheart


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