Ohh BROTHER!!! I went for my 2nd free training session at the gym last night! You wouldn't BELIEVE what they tried to sell me afterwards! I knew the "sell" was coming, I just didn't know it was SO DANG MUCH! They kept asking me about my nutrition, how I felt about it, that I shouldn't be following any 'diet' and that they would create a menu for me based on my weight loss, they would also give me a variety of workouts every couple of weeks, basically switching me around, and keep me from hitting plateaus for very long, etc., etc. The final "result" of the "sell"...it will take me approxiamately 29 weeks to acheive my goal, and should meet with a trainer 2-3 times a week. Average price for a trainer is $75. a session. Depending on the package...I could spend anywhere from $850. for just 12 sessions, all the way up to $5080. for the 29 weeks! I had to work REALLY HARD at NOT laughing in the guy's face! The ONLY reason I ended up with these silly "free personal training" sessions was because I just wanted someone to show me how to properly use their exercise equipment! The guy wanted me to pay half of something right then and there! I then used the excuse that I had to talk to my husband and that I didn't have anything with me to pay. I left my purse in the car. lol His reply was "well, you already said your husband is supportive of you losing your weight, so you already know he'll support you with this, what is there to think about?!" OH BROTHER! I HATE having to deal with these kinds of people!
I ended up walking out of there feeling icky inside and told myself that there has GOT to be a way that I can acheive my ultimate me, on my own, without having to pay someone to encourage me! I'm not sure why I felt icky when I left other than I hate having to sit through sales pitches. I'm not the kind of person that can be rude on the spot, without being provoked, so couldn't bring myself to just get up and leave.
At any rate! I've been noticing that Oprah, Dr. Phil, and Ellen, have all featured people on their shows that need to lose weight. I recorded Oprah, yesterday, and still need to watch it. Basically, I've noticed that certain media is finally starting to realize obesity is getting out of control! And, these talk show hosts want to make a difference! I'm thinking about joining Oprah's weight loss challange, once I watch the show and learn what it is! I don't want to be part of those statistics of people who died from being obese! So, am gonna work on learning about her weight loss challange this week! I want to be one of those people who lost lots of weight...by doing it ON MY OWN! Not by paying some trainer a ton of money that could've be spent on ME and NEW CLOTHES!


Amen, sister! You did the right thing by walking out on that sales pitch. That would be fine if we were all independently wealthy! Too bad you couldn't cut him short and save yourself the effort it takes to listen to him but at least you got out of there with your wallet intact! You can do it!  
15 jan 08 por membro: evelyn64
Thank you! I believe I can, too! It just might not happen in 29 weeks! lol But that's okay! I want it to be permanant this time around! I want this to be the LAST time I have to lose this much weight...EVER! It was so hard, especially, not to laugh at them when they started talking about nutrition. They don't realize how much I've had to learn, on my own, about nutrition, since being diagnosed with PCOS, insulin resistance, and having had gestational diabetis. I'm not knew to the nutrition thing! I know what foods I should be eating and how often. It's just becoming willing to eat this way consistantly. They treat people as though they are niave to eating properly. It's rather insulting when you know that they don't know anything about you, medically, at all... They even dogged SBD and DR. Phil's eating plan. I told them I was using both of these programs as a guide to eating properly. They kept refering to them as "diets" and that "diets" never work because they deprive you of eating foods. What these trainers don't get is that not all people can eat all foods. I know I can't eat simple carbs without paying a price. I know that I have to limit even my complex carbs, if I want to lose weight and keep my blood sugars in balance. I know alot about myself that they don't! lol Oh well! I'm just glad that's over! I still have to call and cancel my "free 1st session" as they offered to redo my first free session since my first trainer was rather arrogant and I didn't like her. I know that if I take them up on that session, I'll have to go through that sales pitch all over again! I went ahead and scheduled it, though, just to shut them up and get the heck out...knowing full well I was gonna end up calling and canceling! That's how much I hate being rude to people! lol One day I'll learn! 
15 jan 08 por membro: miteslur
You sooo CAN! I KNOW YOU CAN... I BELIEVEEEEE IN YOU... YES.... YOU!!! That is just absolutely AWFUL that you had to endure the sales pitch of the "shark" as I call them... to me, they are no better than a car salesman, trying to make a buck, with no concern to your budget or well being because of it. Don't they think that if we were made of money, we'd had hired one them a long time ago and not be this way??? GRRR. You know you don't have to be rude to them to get them to chill out... not one bit. =D Honestly, you start from the beginning that you've heard two of their sales pitches and you very much appreciate their time and concerns, but that your husband has already discussed this matter with you and it is NOT an option for you to try to fit into your budget at this time. Tell them that you do not want to waste their time, as it is so valuable, especially with the price they put on it! =D *SMILE the whole time!* Say it, mean it and you'll have set yourself up for guidelines of the "session". End with you are limited on time and money at this time and you would like to know how to use the equipment properly, please, and then they can go on and use their knowledge to try to sell to someone else. That is not only "not Rude", but it's fair and reasonable. IF you choose to go, you can feel good in that you have not been rude in any way shape or form, but that you have given them the Gods honest truth and there is never anything wrong with that! :) NOW then.... GIRL... we are GOING to be DROPPIN' some POUNDS this YEAR!! Do you WANT IT?? How BADLY DO YOU?? We need to really set up commitment to exercise!! MINIMUM of 3 times a WEEK...never less and GO FOR MORE!! Lets DO IT!! Shall we... ???  
15 jan 08 por membro: bullytrouble
I am not going back for more "sales pitch", that's FOR SURE! And, yes, I have made a commitment to myself that starting this week, I will work out 3 times a week, period. That is my current goal...for this month. 
15 jan 08 por membro: miteslur
I watched part of Oprah yesterday but really love her trainer, Bob Greene. I have his book, The Best Life Diet and have read the first few chapters. Really great, realistic way of eating. You should check out the book after you watch the show from yesterday. he is really great.  
15 jan 08 por membro: graciepoo

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