Registado a junho 2009
Histórico de Peso

Peso Inicial
125,6 kg
Perdidos até agora: 46,5 kg

Peso Atual
79,2 kg
Desempenho : A Perder 0,7 kg por Semana

Peso Alvo
72,6 kg
Ainda faltam: 6,6 kg
I have decided to stop using the FatSecret site. I relied heavily on the android app to log my meals, but an unresolved bad update rendered it useless. I'm sorry to all my friends here but FS no longer meets my needs.

But rest assured that I'm still going strong! I've pretty much maintained my weight for a year now. I've enjoyed the break and I'm now going on to get rid of those last few pounds.

I may check in from time to time. Meanwhile I wish everyone here the best and hope you all manage to find the way to a happier, healthier you.

FIND ME ON MYFITNESSPAL: username is Shaeren


In March 2011 I started a journey to improve my life. At a starting weight of 277 lbs, I was ready for the journey to a healthier me and it was the best decision I've ever made. I have now lost over 100 lbs.

Every single step of my journey has been charted right here on FatSecret. My food diary, exercise history and previous journal entries are all available on this site. I will always talk openly and honestly about my weight, body, and lifestyle.

I believe in eating real food, I eschew the concept of diets and I embrace the belief that life is for the living. I'm all about home-cooking, understanding where your food comes from and continually learning how to stay fit and healthy. My goal is healthy, not skinny.


Measurements (needs updated again!)

Bust: 52" > 41"
Waist: 48" > 35"
Hips: 56" > 44"
Thigh: 31" > 22"
Upper arm: 21" > 13"

Dress sizes lost: UK size 26-28 down to a UK size 14-16
(FYI, that's a US 24-26 down to US size 12-14)

Histórico de Peso de Sheonamcc


Última pesagem: A Perder 3,8 kg por Semana Down
Última pesagem: A Perder 0,9 kg por Semana Down
Ahmed Ibrahim
Última pesagem: N/D Up

Livro de Receitas de Sheonamcc

Calorias : 294kcal | Líp: 8,49g | Carbs : 40,96g | Prot: 19,85g
Mini Spinach & Ricotta Pizzas
A yummy meal that requires minimal effort and is ready in no time.
Calorias : 282kcal | Líp: 21,96g | Carbs : 6,38g | Prot: 16,00g
Egg & Asparagus Medley
An incredibly simple yet delicious guilt-free dish, perfect for a light meal.
Visualizar Livro de Receitas Completo

Alimentos e Exercícios Recentes de Sheonamcc

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