Well folks, I've been MIA for a couple of days. Not quite sure what happenened--there was a spate of weird work days that threw my whole schedule off. I did manage to get all of my exercise in, but no more than that. Money has been SUPER-TIGHT lately, and with the bizarro schedule, meals have not been planned and have been less than satisfying. I haven't had any good cheese or produce in the house and it is amazing how much I rely on having those things to keep me on track. Captain Craving has been whispering sweet nothings in my ear, and while I don't have any junk-food in the house (thank the lord for a man who doesn't snack)I don't have any snacks that help me combat the cravings. I need to up my water intake--I think part of the problem is that I haven't been drinking as much at work as I should (it's hard to take a swig out of the water bottle with 6 people in line waiting for you to take their passport photo) and with the increased exercise and decrease in water-saturated nutritional goodies I am just getting down-right dehydrated. I'm off today so I'm going to drink so much I have water coming out of my nose, and hopefully that will help. Thursday is payday and I will have some extra holiday pay from Labor Day, so I'm looking forward to hitting the grocery store and stocking up. Last week's check was small 'cause I took a day off due to the nausea--grrr. I should have just toughed it out, but I didn't, so Oh well. Next year should be better financially--I'll be working, of course, and Hill will be able to get his lawn care business off the ground. We got here late in the spring, so most people already had their lawn contracts for the season, and though he has advertised, Hill has only gotten about 6 customers this season, and had to drop a couple of those for non-payment. Consequently, our financial reserves are loooow, and though I do get paid pretty well comparatively, retail photo techs just don't make a lot of money. I hate to keep focusing on the money thing, but it's just what's going on right now, and stress over not having enough contributes to my lack of motivation in areas of fitness and eating. Which is completely bass ackwards really, the more I exercise and the better I eat, the more capable I feel and the more capable I feel the more able I am to deal with stress. It seems like everything is (or can be) a vicious cycle. I try to remind myself though, that I am EXTREMELY lucky, both in terms of the wider world (I complain about not having enough money, but I do have food in the cupboards, electricity, and a laptop), and in my own country (I do have relatives to turn to if things get really bad!).

Blech! Just reread my posting and seriously thought about deleting--but then remembered I had raked BadAndee over the coals for doing that so I won't, but I will say--blah, blah, blah! Just more verbal vomit that points to my interior struggles right now. I am fighting a war with wanting to be satisfied with where I'm at and railing against the mediocrity of my life. Well, to you, railing Sarah, I say..thpppft! Just calm yourself down, drink some water, eat a carrot and suck it up! Things have a habit of working themselves out so relax! Y'all...just remind me to relax and get over myself! That's your job!


Don't berate yourself for writing an honest journal! That's what journals are for - venting and getting things off our chests. Any stress, whether it be financial, medical, familial, whatever - it all affects us in so many ways. Don't apologize for how you feel. Talking it out is the best therapy. And once in a while one of us folks has something insightful to say that rings true for you. I'll send you a message with a copy of an email I received one year. I've saved it because it was so beautifully put and really opened my eyes to count my blessings but it's too long to add into a comment box. You are stronger than you know. Hang in there! 
09 set 08 por membro: evelyn64
Yup, great self-advice, "drink some water, eat a carrot and suck it up!"! LOL. But seriously, drink some water, girl! I'm sure your customers won't mind the 1 second wait time it'll take while you take a swig of H20!! I know, as a loyal CVS photo customer, I wouldn't want my friendly cvs personnel to fall prey to a serious downward spiral of ill-health, all because I couldn't wait that 1 sec while it took them to drink some water!!! Ok, that was seriously long-winded! LOL!...other than that, hang in there...try to plan 3-4 cheap snack alternatives that are filling and nutritious, such as steamed brocolli, carrot sticks..or use them employee discount and buy a container of almonds or walnuts, Luna bars, etc. Snacks and water will get you started and feeling good, and then you can take the control back in your hands! Good luck! 
09 set 08 por membro: 08willbegreat
My husband was a Photo Tech for yEArs. We actually met when we worked at CPI Photo 14 years ago... oh where has the time gone... Any hoo... Journal away! Celebrate, brag, rant, rave we all can relate and if we can't, we learn. Write on sister friend!  
09 set 08 por membro: mrsjohnson0317
So glad you're back! And HEY - that's YOUR journal up there and you can do any darn thing you want with it! Sometimes it helps to verbally vomit all that stuff out so you can pick through it for the juicy nuggets! Ew. I meant well with that, but the picture in my head is making me ill.  
09 set 08 por membro: amryk
Money has a way of getting us all down. I know sometimes I have let that be an excuse not to diet. I mean, seriously, I can buy a 5 lb pack of ground beef for $10 and have 5 meals, spaghetti, tacos, hamb. helper, meatloaf, and a pot of veggie soup. All my kids favorites, and super cheap for a weeks worth of meals. But while trying to eat healthier, i have to buy lean meats, lots of fresh veggies, cheese, ect...and my grocery bill doubles. We support our family of 4 on just my husbands salary, which is not much, and so money stays super tight!! But, I have to put our health first. Atleast that is what I tell myself. But you are very right, it is a vicious cycle. When I was eating whatever I wanted, and gained back 20 of the 40 lbs back that I had worked so hard to lose, I felt like total crap, I was always in a bad mood, wanted to stay home and not leave the house b/c i was embarrassed by my failure. It is amazing how good it feels to lose a few pounds, even if no one else notices. Hang in there!! We have to take care of US first, so that we can take care of those we love! 
09 set 08 por membro: graciepoo
Thanks to all. You guys, as always, are great. And Amryk--I believe your comment may have banished Captain Craving, so, umm..I think "thanks" is the right word?! 
09 set 08 por membro: Simille
Let's see...what can DOCTOR B. ANDEE prescribe for you to cure you of your ails?? hmmmm...it CAN'T be a rake OR the coals; you managed to successfully pass the "do not delete" test, but it is essential to get plenty of vitamin A and carotene...so eat that carrot, young lady...and maybe a couple of Excedrin! call my office in the morning if the symptoms fail to clear up! :)  
09 set 08 por membro: BadAndee
that's beta-carotene! crazy Doc! 
09 set 08 por membro: BadAndee
I'm sure glad I ate before I read amryk's response. EEEWWWW! I'm glad that this journaling doesn't have to be jut about food and dieting. It's also about getting to know you lalalalaa lalala.... 
09 set 08 por membro: bethru
Listen - Girl! This is me talkin' your Big Sis - Baby Girl! Don't you feel poopy about any old thing you put on here. You've got to have somebody to talk to. We'll "listen." You know that a lot of us understand completely about money worries. I do. I totally understand. I am completely convinced that -- for me personally -- there has been some kind of strange connection between financial difficulties and over-eating. I haven't been able to identify that connection with exact precision but I know it exists. The times in my life when I have been down and out have been the times during which I lived on 29 cent boxes of macaroni and cheese. It will all work out! GLAD YOU ARE BACK! 
09 set 08 por membro: Cobra Fan


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