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04 fevereiro 2022

02 fevereiro 2022

Day 11

Good evening peeps, here I am with my daily blog. Apologies if it bores you but I think it is this that is keeping me motivated.
You know I said I didn’t go to the gym last night, I slept like rubbish and I am putting it down to feeling rubbish for not going.
So, today I went, and I honestly feel amazing. I know I’m gonna hurt like a bitch tomorrow.

So todays food was

Breakfast - Jordan’s nut crunch with grapes, oranges and lemon yoghurt
Snack - Strawberry bliss bar
Lunch - Jamie Oliver’s steak slice, packet of quavers
Dinner - tomato and basil soup with a cheese toastie on wholemeal seeded bread.

I seriously need to go shopping, my fridge, freezer and cupboards are looking bare so I am pretty much throwing anything together. But dinner tasted so good, the toastie dipped in the soup was to die for. Definitely going to be eating that again.
My only downfall today was not having enough protein. But that’s my own fault for being ‘old mother Hubbard’

Oh well, tomorrows another day. As they say onwards and upwards. Oh wait, make that onwards and downwards. I don’t want the scales to increase, clearly 🤦🏽‍♀️

Have a good evening all. 😘

01 fevereiro 2022

Day 10

I have never stuck to a diet as long as this. I cannot say what is keeping me motivated because my patience for these things are very slim, but I am, and this time it’s going to stick until I can see my nonny without having to hold my flabby belly up 😂. Sorry. 🤦🏽‍♀️

Todays meal plan was a bit repetitive and boring but I was stuffed and couldn’t fit anything else in my big gob

Breakfast - Jordan’s nut crunch
Snack - strawberries and cream bliss bar, grapes, celery, cherry tomatoes
Lunch - cheese salad on wholewheat seeded bread, cheese and onion crisps
Dinner - gluten free spaghetti with bolognese with added onion and carrots and a side salad

It’s been a busy day again today at work so I have decided that there will be no gym session tonight.
I really want to go but I know I need to give my body a rest. Just for the one night. I’ll be back on it tomorrow

So tonight I am going to treat myself with a nice hot bath, Netflix and an early night.
Feel like I have earned it.

31 janeiro 2022

Day 9 of my weight loss journey

I woke up this morning a tad hungry so had my breakfast at 630am but had to leave for work pretty early anyway.

Breakfast - granola, high protein yoghurt and mixed fruit
Snacks - cherry tomatoes, celery stick, grapes and a bliss strawberry bar (tastes like maoam)
Lunch - chicken salad sandwich
Dinner - roast chicken, roast potato, cabbage, carrots, broccoli and gravy.
All within my calories

I don’t think I have ever eaten so much. I used to struggle to eat 2 meals a day but not anymore. I feel great, fuller and loving eating healthier. It’s normally really hard for me to eat so well as my work life balance is so busy, I work in adult social care for the prisons team so means I am in several of the Surrey prisons a day. But planning and making lunches and snacks is becoming a normal morning routine for me now.

Went to the gym again tonight, did some upper body strength training because I am as weak as anything. Nice bit of cardio and nearly killed myself on the stepper. There’s always a first for everything. 😃

Had a great time and feel refreshed but worked my butt off at the same time.

Just off for a shower and then to bed for another fun filled busy as work day

30 janeiro 2022

Histórico de Peso de Melplus2

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